0800 048 3330  |   contact@LondonMedical.co.uk

London Medical

In addition to checking your cholesterol, we offer a wide range of other tests that help us accurately assess your cardiovascular risk, some of them unique to London Medical.
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Our cardiac consultants are among the most eminent currently practising in London; and, as we’ll explain, the techniques we use to assess your risk of heart attack are some of the most advanced and rigorous available in the UK, providing a deeper insight into any potential problems, and how they be avoided. 
For emergencies call 0800 048 3330

Clinic Info

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Address 49 Marylebone High St, Marylebone, London W1U 5HJ, UK
Mail contact@LondonMedical.co.uk
Phone 0800 048 3330



So whatever happens, your heart is in the very best hands at London Medical.


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